Monday, February 27, 2017

This week's homework

Worksheet on counting backwards and forwards in tens, using a number square.  This is based on what we have done during today’s lesson.
Read the story sent home and complete a book review.  Please return the book to receive a new one as soon as your child has finished their book.  
The Phonics homework is based on the week’s spellings.
Different groups have different spellings.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Review and preview

Y1 Weekly Update:
Monday 13th February - Friday 17th February

This Week  

After Half Term

We have written postcards and read Australian stories.
We will begin our next topic on fables.
We played maths games.
We will be counting on and back in 10s from any number and comparing weights using direct comparison.  
We designed treehouses and thought about what materials each part could be made out of.  
We will begin our next topic which is: ‘Exploring and knowing our local environment can help us understand the world’.
We discussed being a good friend.
We will be talking about our half term holidays.
Optional Homework
Please take photos of places around your local environment (parks, shops, houses, roads, etc) that we can use to begin our next topic.
Notices and Events
  • Half Term is Monday 20th February - Friday 24th February.
  • Homework will be given out on Monday and is due in on Friday.
  • Mr Renie’s weekly newsletter is posted on .
  • You are still welcome to come and chat to me about your child on Mondays between 3.10pm and 4.00pm.  

International Day 2

The children had lots of fun completing activities in different classroom based on different countries.

International Day

Y1C look super in their Australian costumes!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Australian Animals

Y1C learnt how to draw some Australian animals.

Our final characters!

Here are our final characters made from only recyclable materials!