Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Colours day fun!

Last Friday was a fantastic fun filled event day. The children loved joining in with the games and activities offered for Colours Day. Everyone was very confident and excited and took part in all games. I loved watching the children get excited and cheer their friends on during the races. Take a look at some of the pictures as the kids are in action. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

We love to share!

Last week the children were focusing on the importance of sharing and taking turns. Everyone tried very hard to share and they were even practicing how to use kind words such as, 'share with me please', 'wait please' and thank you. Take a look at some picture of everyone working together and taking turns.  

We can play cars and take turns sharing them. 

We can sing a song and dance together.

I can ask a friend to play alongside me. 

We can build a house together. 

We can work together to build a castle. 

We can work together to make Mr. Mat man.

Together we can help tidy up the dishes. 

We can dress up and play together. 

Working together by ordering food and then cooking it. 

Reading a story together
We can share the cars. 

We can share the different tools we see.

This week we are learning about our 5 senses and here is a fun song you can sing at home with them.
5 senses song

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Taking care of our body

Last week we started learning about our body. How our body can move, and what we can do to take of our self. The children loved joining in with a variety of activities that helped us learn about our body. Everyone was very happy to join in with doctor role play and they loved washing the baby dolls. We talked about how it is important to take a shower and wash our face and our body to stay healthy and clean as well as go to the doctor when we are feeling sick. At home you could continue to have the children show you different things they could do such as help you wash dishes or tidy up around the house and helping take care of their brothers and sisters. 
Rich putting together Mr. Bones

Hong making food for his friends so they can eat. 

Grandae helping to dry off her baby after bath time. 

Uss washing the baby. 

Mariane feeding the baby after bath time. 

Summer showing how he can move in and out of an obstacle. 

Puma put together Mr. skeleton 

Peam washing the babies hair. 

E'to playing doctor. 

Jessica helping wash the baby doll. 

Minnie putting together Mr. Bones. 

Panboon at the hospital with the babies. 

Doctor Deepmaan checking the babies heart beat. 

Cello washing the babies hair. 

Arin helping put together Mr. Bones

Dr. Alex helping the animals.