Tuesday, February 16, 2016

International Day - UAE

Here is a great idea from Neasha's mum and dad. They have been busy at home making UAE ID, flag, badge, and a passport. Great effort!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Just in - Neasha and Panboon's home learning.

Here's Neasha's symmetrical Gingerbread people (Thanks Dad for the great idea!).

And here is Panboon practicing her letter sounds in squirty cream! Awesome!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Home Learning - 9.2.16

We have been learning consonant sounds ch, sh, and ng in phonics this week. These are hard sounds to learn and the children should practice a number of activities regularly in order for them to be embedded in their mind.

Here are some videos that will help. The kids LOVE Geraldine the Giraffe!


We also learnt qu sound, which, again, is quite tricky!


You can practice some handwriting of these sounds by using shaving foam! The kids have loved handling foam this week and its a fun way to practice letter formation. Please remember that all the letters start from the top.

 Shaving foam can be found in most supermarkets. 

We also made some fans using red paper. This was a great activity for small muscle control. Please feel free to make a fan at home. Your child could bring it to school to show their friends.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Just in - Panboon and Summer investigating ginger!

Here's Panboon having a ginger the party! She's using ginger in some very creative ways!

I'm not sure if Summer likes the taste of the ginger...what do you think?!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Class activities this week.

Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!

Our new topic is The Gingerbread Man, which is another old tale from years gone by.

Here is a link to the story:

The Gingerbread Man

Here are the boys and girls pretending to be the Gingerbread Man.

Here are some pictures of class activities this week. Please ask your child to explain each picture to you as this will help with recall and memory.