Tuesday, June 17, 2014

polar theme


 Last week we started our polar theme and Nursery have been really excited to learn more about animals in the arctic like the snowy owl, arctic fox, walrus and penguins.We had a penguin waddle race and learnt how the take care of their young. 

Some of the class were fascinated by the idea of mummy penguin regurgitating her food for the baby penguins and wanted to role play that over and over! 
The polar bear was a definite favourite amongst the class with most people voting it their choice of polar pet. Arin decided he would keep his in the bath while Richie thought the fridge would be the best place to keep a baby polar bear! 

We had fun pretending to be Eskimos and catching fish and learnt how to build an igloo with blocks of ice before trying our own mini versions.We learnt that many arctic animals keep warm by having fur or feathers or by being fat and don't use jackets and hats like us.

 We discovered what it might be like for a walrus in the freezing arctic ocean by dipping our hands into icy water, then we covered one hand in a rubber glove and squeezed it into a bag full of lard and put that into the water. We found that the fat kept our hands warmer and could keep them in the water for a lot longer. the experiment was fun but we all decided that jackets and gloves were a lot less messy!

 Here is a link to a song that the class have loved singing this week


 Please excuse the lack of photos for this week, I will add them as soon as I figure out where I saved them :( 

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