Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome back!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are ready for a great new year. We have two new faces starting this term, Neenae and Minnie will be joining us this week and I'm sure NP will be their usually friendly and loving selves and give them a warm welcome! 

Thank you once again for everyone's cooperation and help with the Christmas celebrations. Sadly, I missed the concert but I was reliably informed that the class were fantastic (as, of course, I knew they would be!). Being on stage in front of so many people can be intimidating even for adults, so I am so proud of each and every one of them for going up and giving it their best and I'm sure you could see the pride and enthusiasm beaming out of their faces at being able to perform for you.....If anyone has any photo's or video footage I would really love to see it!

We are beginning this term with a two week topic on Transport- although we might continue a little longer if the class are as keen as they were today! We'll be looking at all kinds of  trains, planes and automobiles,  investigating how they move and testing speed by building our own ramps. We'll also be sharing our own experiences of  travel, and I know some of the class are very eager to tell us about the different vehicles they have been on- trains seem to be especially popular at the moment! So if you have any books, toys, games, pictures, etc., that your child would like to share with the class, please bring them in. 

I'd like to start a mini show and tell once a week for the children to share pictures of events or activities that they have enjoyed with their classmates. It could be anything from a family celebration, holiday, trip to the zoo, or favourite toy or picture they are proud of. As long as it is meaningful to them we'd love to see it!

As always, If have any thoughts or suggestions about this or any other issue, please let me know. I appreciate your feedback.

Thank you! 

Miss Sarah.

PS. More Christmas week pictures coming soon....

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