Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Last week we began a new topic, 'Harry and a bucketful of Dinosaurs.' The children have loved learning about dinosaurs and all the fun activities involved. We have been talking about size and shapes that we think the dinosaurs might look like as well as what kind of environment they might live in. Take a look at our Dino fun. 

Making our own shape dinosaur! 

 Drawing a dinosaur using our imagination or books for a reference!  

Small world dinosaur play! 

 Time to make our own dinosaur egg. 

Great imagination for making your dinosaur a home!

What a fun week. Please don't forget to bring in your child's costume for the Christmas concert. 
All white please! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gruffalo fun!

Last week we enjoyed a new book, 'The Gruffalo .' The kids were so happy and enthusiastic with this story and loved learning all about the features of the Gruffalo. I am very proud of all the children for their great listening skills and being able to use the repetitive language they heard throughout the story and apply that during play time. Take a look at all the fun we had especially with our 'Gruffalo hunt!' 

Re-playing the Gruffalo story using puppets and sensory materials! 

Playdough Gruffalo's! 

We're going on a Gruffalo hunt! What animals did we find along the way? 

Pin the wart on the Gruffalo!

Lets make some owl ice cream and gruffalo crumble yum yum. 

Book week Costumes....loved seeing the kids all dressed up thanks for all your support. 

Please dont forget to bring in an all white outfit for our Christmas concert. Girls can wear a white dress, pants, shirt, skirt or leggings. 
Boys can wear white pants and a white shirt.

Please just place the clothes in a bag with their name labeled on it and we will keep them in the classroom ready for the concert day! 
Thanks again.