Well, Its the end of term and time for Nursery to move onward and upwards. It's always a bittersweet time and I'm sad to say goodbye to all these little people who have made all my days so full of laughter, tears and most of all fun. I'm also very proud of each and every one of them for all the challenges they have overcome and the friendships they have built over the past year. It's been amazing to see them develop from pretty much babies into such strong and independent personalities! I know that they are only upstairs but I will really miss sharing my day with them. I wish everyone a great start in kindergarten and hope that you'll pop in and say hi from time to time...
We will be having a party on Friday to celebrate our year together.As the class really enjoyed our round the world topic we have decided to have a World Cup themed party and we will be doing some fun football activities and songs and dances from different countries.We invite you to dress your child up in any country's costume and to please bring in some snacks to share with their friends. Thank you!
Last week we explored the topic of mini beasts...
Went on a bug hunt and found lots of ants, spiders and a cricket!
We had fun decorating a card for Fabien.
Gave our hands a big work out making plasticine snails
Here is a link to an adorable set of creepy crawly animations... the class really loved watching this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXSqjvbK2Ug
Buzzy bumble bees and fingerprint ladybirds...