Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hello everyone,

Well, Its the end of term and time for Nursery to move onward and upwards. It's always a bittersweet time and I'm sad to say goodbye to all these little people who have made all my days so full of laughter, tears and most of all fun. I'm also very proud of each and every one of them for all the challenges they have overcome and the friendships they have built over the past year. It's been amazing to see them develop from pretty much babies into such strong and independent personalities! I know that they are only upstairs but I will really miss sharing my day with them. I wish everyone a great start in kindergarten and hope that you'll pop in and say hi from time to time...

We will be having a party on Friday to celebrate our year together.As the class really enjoyed our round the world topic we have decided to have a World Cup themed party and we will be doing some fun football activities and songs and dances from different countries.We invite you to dress your child up in any country's costume and to please bring in some snacks to share with their friends. Thank you!

Last week we explored the topic of mini beasts...

  We looked at symmetry and made some beautiful butterfly prints...

Went on a bug hunt and found lots of ants, spiders and a cricket!

We had fun decorating a card for Fabien.

Gave our hands a big work out making plasticine snails 

and then raced them across some paper to make slimy snail trails!

 Here is a link to an adorable set of creepy crawly animations... the class really loved watching this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXSqjvbK2Ug

Buzzy bumble bees and fingerprint ladybirds...

                           some circle time pics!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

polar theme


 Last week we started our polar theme and Nursery have been really excited to learn more about animals in the arctic like the snowy owl, arctic fox, walrus and penguins.We had a penguin waddle race and learnt how the take care of their young. 

Some of the class were fascinated by the idea of mummy penguin regurgitating her food for the baby penguins and wanted to role play that over and over! 
The polar bear was a definite favourite amongst the class with most people voting it their choice of polar pet. Arin decided he would keep his in the bath while Richie thought the fridge would be the best place to keep a baby polar bear! 

We had fun pretending to be Eskimos and catching fish and learnt how to build an igloo with blocks of ice before trying our own mini versions.We learnt that many arctic animals keep warm by having fur or feathers or by being fat and don't use jackets and hats like us.

 We discovered what it might be like for a walrus in the freezing arctic ocean by dipping our hands into icy water, then we covered one hand in a rubber glove and squeezed it into a bag full of lard and put that into the water. We found that the fat kept our hands warmer and could keep them in the water for a lot longer. the experiment was fun but we all decided that jackets and gloves were a lot less messy!

 Here is a link to a song that the class have loved singing this week


 Please excuse the lack of photos for this week, I will add them as soon as I figure out where I saved them :( 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Jungle theme week 3

Hello again,

This week we welcomed a new friend to the class. Miss Mut has settled in really well and has been quick to join in laughing and playing with her classmates. Everyone was very helpful in welcoming her to the class and Grandae did a great job of being her special friend :)

Unfortunately we say goodbye to our lovely Fabien this week too. We will miss him very much and the class  will not be the same without his cheeky grin and lively chatter. We wish him lots of love and laughter at his new school and hope to see him again soon. 

We rounded off our Jungle theme with some lovely lions and grinning hippos. The class have been really enjoying working on our giant jungle map, so we added some animal cut outs to decorate and add to the map with sticky-tack (everyone wants an excuse to get their hands on  my sticky-tack!) 

Giving hippos teeth was a bit tricky... 

                 Drawing the faces for our cheeky chimps!

We also talked about how some animals are brightly coloured to warn others they are poisonous and others can change colour by themselves. We had fun learning about camouflage with our colourful chameleons and the class were great at finding hiding places for all the different colours!

 We made some fantastic green eyed tree frogs and learnt a little about the life cycle of frogs. Even after watching a short video on them  some of the class were still not convinced that the tadpoles we looked at really were baby frogs!

Coincidentally, We also had our very own class frog!

                 Lots of free play pictures this week, Enjoy!