Wednesday, December 4, 2013

community helpers

Hi Everyone,

It's almost that time of year again and excitement has been building in the classroom. The decorations are going up and we're blasting out the Christmas songs already- It's never going to be a winter wonderland but it's amazing what you can do with a bit of glitter and tinsel! :) Everyone is practising hard for the Christmas show and they all look so cute! Mums and dads, please don't forget to bring in their costumes before the dress rehearsal on Monday if you haven't already done so.
Last week we began our community helpers theme and have had a great time learning about some of the people in our neighbourhood and how they help us. Nursery have really enjoyed pretending to be firefighters, postal workers, doctors, dentists and police officers, and some of the class were eager to share their experiences of trips to the doctor or the dentist (thankfully, nobody has any stories to tell about police stations yet!) Here are just a few of our pics from last week....

Painting our firefighter helmets

Call the fire brigade!

                                    Off duty fire fighters

  Quick!!  That tree is on fire....Put it out!!!.  

Writing letters to our friends.

    Now where does this one go?

                 We know how to keep our teeth strong and healthy!

"Hello, doctor please. We are sick"

  The mad doctor and his team!

 This won't hurt a bit...

Dinosaur races are great fun....

              Good job the nursery paramedics were on hand!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hello Nursery parents, 

 This week we have been learning all about feelings and shared some things which make us feel happy, sad, scared or angry. We talked about how everyone has feelings and a great way to tell how someone is feeling is by looking at their expressions. Using a mirror we had a go at showing how we felt and then had fun guessing the moods of our friends! Can you guess how we are feeling?

 Elmo showed us how its good to talk about our feelings and we tried to name some of the things which make us happy as we made our smiley face handprints. Obviously Nursery have fabulous parents because "My Mummy and Daddy" was the most popular answer! Some other suggestions were  "Grandpa" "Icecream!", "cookies", "Grandma" and "playing with my brother". "Seeing trains" and "Sitting on a boat or plane" also made some of the boys happy...can you guess who?

We had fun drawing some expressions with the big markers and then tried to draw our own reflections on our mirrors!

The class really loved reading  the book "No, David!" and had fun joining in with his mum' frustrated cries of "No, David!" as he gets into some mischief. It was great to see them recognizing and shouting out the different emotions David goes through in the story. We are so good at talking about our emotions now and sharing how we feel. Our final piece of artwork was making clay faces to represent the many moods of David.

Aren't they great?!

Here are just some more pics of your gorgeous kids having fun....

  What is it? It's a butterfly!!!